The Benefits of the Roundabout
Roundabouts are increasingly becoming more popular due to the benefits that they provide. According to FDOT, these benefits include dramatic reductions in serious injury by 75% and fatality crashes by 90%. Studies show that there are 10 to 40% fewer pedestrian and bicycle crashes. Roundabouts have also shown to be safer for the elderly and new drivers.
There has been a 30-50% increase in traffic capacity for intersections and less delay waiting at stops and signals. Roundabouts have proven to be environmentally friendly due to decreased waiting times at a stoplight; cars emit less pollution and fuel use. Trees and plants can be planted in the islands surrounding the roundabout. Roundabouts require less land than a traditional intersection because there is no need for turn lanes.
The benefits of roundabouts are not only safer and environmentally friendly but cost-friendly as well. Traffic signals are costly and require yearly maintenance, which a roundabout does not. These traffic signals need power; therefore, it can cause delays and more money for maintenance when a power outage occurs. Roundabouts improve business sales at nearby businesses because of the accessibility as opposed to the traditional intersections. The benefits of modern roundabouts have proved to appear in both urban and rural areas.